- Delgado Fernández Supports Legal Education at Inter-American University of Puerto Rico – Delgado Fernández participated in the revitalization initiative by the Student Council of the Faculty of Law at the Inter-American University of Puerto Rico by adopting a table in the common areas of the Faculty, which now prominently displays the firm’s logo.
- Colegio San Gabriel de Niños Sordos- Provide pro bono legal services to Puerto Rico’s oldest private school for the deaf and hard of hearing.
- Hogar El Buen Pastor- Provide pro bono legal services to homeless shelter and addiction recovery program.
- Fundación Rafael Hernández Colón- Provide pro bono legal services to former Governor Rafael Hernández Colón’s foundation.
- Fundación Sila M. Calderón- provide pro bono legal services to former Governor Sila M. Calderón’s foundation.
- Sponsor of the Puerto Rico Make A Wish chapter- grantor of wishes to participants.